A standing 5 stamp mill in LA County, next to a freeway? Hard to believe but true. A website created by the late Hugh Blanchard chronicles much gold mining activity in LA County. The stamp mill and possibly other equipment is easily spotted from Google Earth and the Puritan Mine can be pin pointed easily on USGS Topo maps. Probably private property.

The mine appears in the California Journal of Mines and Geology twice. Once in 1937 and again in 1954 under different ownership. No horizontal tunnels or shafts are visible on the USGS Topo or Google Earth.

Drop me a line if you spot this mill or comment below.


    • Sometime in 2016. The mill is behind a ranch house, and is not visible from the freeway as some websites claim. I do not believe it’s on private property, but you need to be respectful of the owners who live in front of it and go around their property to get to it.

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