The Defense Mine is a popular jeep, 4×4, rock crawler and hiking destination located 2 miles up Stone Canyon in the western slopes of Panamint Valley. Discovered in 1885 the Defense was largely a lead producer with trace recovery of silver and gold. The open adit features numerous ore cart lined routes to winzes and raises for exploring.

…after high centering and winching…

We visited the Defense Mine in November of 2017 as part of a 4 day overland trip. More geared for over-landing than rock crawling a few in our contingency concluded to hike the remainder of the trip up the canyon. So we left the jeeps behind about 3/4’s of the way up the canyon after high centering and winching each other off the bolder laden trail. The remaining hike up the steep canyon was easy enough though we regretted leaving the jeeps behind as it appeared many before us had driven right up to the adit.

Explosives Keep Off

We rounded the corner to the ever familiar tailings pile and hopper from the dozens of you-tubes we watched. Inside the mine were a number of tunnels, winzes and chutes but the Defense Mine is more known for a couple of steel bulkheads with heavy doors, one labelled “Explosives Keep Off”.

The Defense Mine is known for the easy way up and the hard way up. The hard way appealing to hardcore rock crawling jeep and 4×4 enthusiast. Also know for the Lookout Loop which takes you up (or down) the super steep eastern side of Lookout Mountain past the Modoc Mine and the ruins of Lookout City a ghost town of only a couple foundations.


  1. Marilee Foreman Tucker Reply

    The Defense Mine was owned by my grandfather, L.D. Foreman and operated by my Dad, Bob Foreman. We stayed at the mine often while living at Panamint Springs and later, Darwin and Lone Pine. The rod to the mine from the valley floor used to be so good a passenger car could make the trip. That was before the great flood of the late 70’s.

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