Mariposa is a true California Gold Rush town without a doubt. It started as a mining camp 6 miles away near a small creek called Aqua Fria in 1849. After all the placer gold had been picked the miners turned to hard rock mining and dug the large Mariposa mine. The town was also a supply town for thousands of gold seekers of the day. A few original structures exist.

Mariposa Museum and History Center

The highlight of the town is the Mariposa Museum and History Center. The park like area is littered with dozens of large pieces of mining equipment and features several stamp mills, they run the larger 5 stamp mill for tours. The museum also offers gold panning for kids.

Mariposa is also know for the California State Mining and Mineral Museum which has a nice collection of mineral specimens and a somewhat cheesy replica mine tunnel.

I find myself returning to Mariposa with the kids whenever we’re nearby.

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