Found this one merely by topo. The adit is 1400 feet long with stopes, winzes and drifts galore. We didn’t enter as we were in no way prepared to find such a shaft in such good shape. Also we noticed a lot of bear poop on the trail down.

Feliciana produced 3000 ounces

WWII began in 1939 and the Feliciana produced 3000 ounces from 1941 to 1943 according to which leaves one to wonder because L-208 shut down gold mining late in 1942. Perhaps the goverment allowed processing of ore in 1943 that was worked in 1942. I don’t know.

The mine was discovered by Mexicans working the area in 1860. Several foundations exist and some equipment. The massive tailings pile was littered with white quartz. We slid down it to the site of the stamp mill which was in ruins. Only a compressor and a few scattered stamps were recognizable. It was a long hike back up the hill. The road was too rough and overgrown to drive.

followed the open upper adit

Update October 2016: We returned to the Feliciana Mountain a little more experienced and a little more equipped. We drove right up to the upper adit and ate lunch there in front of the mine. We followed the open upper adit to its collapse a mere 200 yards in. Oh well, maybe we will go back to the Feliciana Mine and explore the lower adit.

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