The War Eagle is an extremely popular destination for underground adventurist, very little remains at the surface. Massive tailings are indicative of the extensive tunneling. The mine runs about a 1/2 mile long north and south with a 1/2 mile cross shaft in the middle. There are multiple levels that some spend many hours exploring. We walked most of the way back but passed on multi-level exploration. The raises and stopes were quite impressive. It looked as if the entire mountain might drop 6′ if the timbers gave way.

Anaconda Mining Co.

It operated from 1912 to 1957 primarily as a copper, lead and silver mine though some gold was extracted. Last operated by the Anaconda Mining Co. with ore processed at the nearby Anaconda Mill.

The War Eagle is one of three mines commonly visited together at the Nopah Range and Noonday Camp. Check out the Gallery below. This mine sees  a lot of traffic, have you been? Comment below.

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