The North Fork Mine was worked from 1875 to the 1930’s with a 13 degree shaft 1000′ long and a crosscut 1000′ long and 3 levels of inclines producing up to $6000 a week, over 50,000 oz of gold. All historic mining equipment has been donated to Forest City. In 2004 modern electrical service was brought in and mining resumed. It is estimated that 100,000 tons of high grade ore still remain. In 2008 the Shasta Gold Corp posted a page indicating their ownership and future plans to drill the area in hopes of ore equaling the nearby Sixteen to One. Current status is unknown. If you make it to the mine or have an update please comment below.


  1. Mike Harris Reply

    This mine today still sits empty. There is still old equipment onsite but it appears to be abandoned.

  2. Mike Harris Reply

    The North Fork Mine is now owned by Maverick Gold. maverick Gold also own the Brush Creek Mine and the Mountain House Mine, Mining is expected to resume at the North Fork in Spring od 2024

    • Maybe so. But Maverick Gold and Maverick Mine’s websites are down alluding to something financially nefarious underway. Only tidbits of Rand’s maundering pleas for investors remain on other sites.

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