The Mexican Mine has been on our to do list for a while. It wasn’t until our third trip to the area we were able to find it. The mine is not located as shown on USGS topo and we wandered through the steep wooded hillside for quiet some time and distance when we stumbled upon it. It is actually 300+ feet downhill to the west of what maps show.

This mine was on our list because we believed there to be an open adit and several mine carts. The adit is severely collapsed and the ore carts are gone. The shaft was flooded with bright orange rusty water so we didn’t go far. The bunk house was unlocked so we peeked inside. It appears it has been some years since the bunk house was used or any mining has been done.

I couldn’t find any history on the mine also know as the Old Mexican Group Mine. If you know history please comment below.

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