The Lippincott Lead Mine aka Lead King Mine was discovered in 1906 and extensive works began by 1908. The mine, located in Racetrack Valley produced heavily during WWI. The Racetrack De Playa was used as a landing strip by the miners. Ore yielding  42% led and 8 ozs of silver made the long haul by truck down the now famous Lippincott Pass economical.

George Lippincott and sons purchase the claim in 1942. Despite ore yielding an incredible 63% led and 35 ozs of silver the mine was shutdown during WWII by the feds. The Lippincotts resumed operation from 1946 to 1951. Water for operations was trucked in and perhaps the lack of water caused its demise. Lippincott Jr. considered reopening the mine in 1974 assayed at 42% led and a whopping 36 ozs gold/ton.


We camped just below the mine at Homestake Dry Camp then made our way to the upper adits. Very little remains but foundations and timbers of the miners camp. The bat netting at the adits had been bypassed allowing one to enter.  We saw the lower adits as we made our way down the famous Lippincott Pass Road.

Have you been? Did you work there? Please comment below!


  1. Lippincott lll Reply

    I went there from 1947 to 1979. I learned to walk in my parents cabin up the hill from my grandparents cabin. Contact me, if you’d like, for more information or pictures.

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