The Kentucky Mill is one of the best preserved stamp mills I have had the pleasure to visit. A large part of that preservation is its more modern history. The mill was pieced together in 1928 from other abandoned mills in the area by local butcher Emil Loeffler and his son. The family operated it off and on as more of a hobby until 1953. In 1974 the Sierra County Historical Society purchased the mill from the Loefflers and restored it.

Today the adit is collapsed but the portal contains a working Pelton wheel and blacksmith shop. The 10 stamp mill is the highlight of the tour because of its authenticity and pristine condition.

1 Comment

  1. Due to cave in there is no mine tour. The mill is an intact operational example of a 19th century 10-stamp gold mill. The only one of its kind in California. The Kentucky Mine and Museum is open Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. Guided stamp mill tours are offered daily.

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