A popular hiking destination located within Plumas-Eureka State Park. The Jamison was a top producer that once yielded a 52lb nugget. The mine site is also known as Jamison City. Within the valley are the Eureka Tunnel, the Mohawk Mill and the town of Johnsville once known as Johnstown.

Mining began at the Plumas-Eureka Lode in 1851…

Mining began at the Plumas-Eureka Lode in 1851 across the valley. Mining at the Jamison began in the 1880’s. The Jamison was sold to its Plumas-Eureka neighbors in 1922. The underground workings are extensive with a now flooded 3 compartment main vertical shaft that ran 265ft deep.

There are several adits and shafts on the site, none of which appear on USGS Historic Topo. A dozen structures can be seen spread out wide among the trees from Google Earth.

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