Years ago on a trip from Arizona near the California border I opened up my handy dandy topo to look for gold mines nearby. We spotted the Gold Hammer on the map, took the Essex Road exit north in our mini van to try and reach the mine on the south side of I40. Sadly the sand was a little to deep for the mini van so all we could do is gawk at the mine only yards off I40 as we headed onward.

the sand was a little to deep for the mini van

I could clearly see several open shafts from Google Earth and also see the mine from Google Street View. I read there was a jaw crusher, shaker table and ball mill on site. Previously owned by a Mr. Stanley who sold the mine to a church who’s members tour the walls open looking for his hidden gold which never existed.

On a rainy day in early 2017 on Mojave trip we decide to swing down to Gold Hammer Mine. I knew we had to pass under I40 and the underpass would make for a break in the rain for lunch.

Sadly the structures are gone and the mill works we had read about also gone. Al that remained were two arrastra like mills and foundations. We did not wander out in the rain in search of more workings.

If you know what these mills are called please drop me a line or comment  below.

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