In May of 2017 on a 4×4 trip from Washington, CA to Alleghany we stopped along side Washington Road at Washington Creek to let the dog go pee. Within minutes a gentlemen pulled up behind us and told us we were near the Giant King Mine and he was the owner. He said we were welcome to walk up the road and look around. Very Nice.

We walked up the road and found an old mill foundation and a modernized sealed adit. It appears the current owner has done quite a bit of work to bring the Giant King Mine back to life. The Giant King also has a really cool website The Giant King website details the long history and has many downloads including historic maps and letters. I think it is awesome to see a mine owner post this info online, so many mine owners are uptight and secretive.

We really appreciate the owner giving us permission to walk this mine, please respect this is private property.

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