I have never seen a headframe so twisted, mangled and distorted. I really wonder how this happened, to much load, wind, who knows? The claim is composed of several mines with works beginning in the 1850’s and a main shaft 3000′ deep. Once home to a 40 stamp mill the operation ceased in 1925. A nice drive by but we didn’t get out and explore the property.

The headframe can be seen from Google Street View from New Chicago Road. An unnamed marker sits roadside near the headframe but I couldn’t find any history on the death here.


  1. Robert Fancher Reply

    Twisted from fire in 1961. Wood ore bin in side frame caught fire and the heat twisted the frame.

  2. Jeff Maurer Reply

    Just north from here is also the ruins of the Gopher Mine. Just north of the road a the T is a dirt road that winds around to the ruins. The dirt road actually winds around the quite large tailing pile.

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