On a trip from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon we stumbled upon Chloride after a stop for gas in Uranus.  Gold and other minerals were first discovered in 1840, The town was formed in 1863. It grew to 5,000 and was once the county seat.

Our jeep had no trouble.

Off highway 93 you will find a giant hand painted Chloride sign. Drive down Tennessee Road though town and right up to the Tennessee Mine. There were a few gift shops but we didn’t stop. Upon approaching the Tennessee there is a sign pointing to the left directing you to the murals. The Murals are about a mile and a half out of town on a fairly easy dirt road. Our jeep had no trouble. They call the murals “petroglyphs”, no really.

The hills to the east of town are littered with countless mines. Check out the topo map in the Gallery below. Have you been to Chloride? Comment below!


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