Opened as the Rancheria Mine in 1853 and renamed the South Mayflower Mine in 1893. In 1899 it became the Bunker Hill Consolidated Mine and operated until 1922 to a depth of 3440′. The mine produced over 250,000 ounces of gold with ore bodies remaining at closure.

The three compartment shaft collar is crudely covered with fencing making for a great look down the shaft into what looks like infinite darkness. Surrounding the headframe are an assortment of foundations from long gone workings,

…creating an eerie feeling as we walked up…

A marker with the name “Tina Ray Foligno” sets at the entrance creating an eerie feeling as we walked up to the mine. On July 28th, 1999 Tina Ray Foligno was a 40 year old mother of four who set off to her boyfriend Jack Sackrider’s house to break up with him. Jack beat her to death and drove her body to the Bunker Hill Mine where he dumped her body down the shaft. The body was later found lodged at the 250′ level. Jack is currently serving 15 years to life in Avenal State Prison.

The body was later found lodged at the 250′ level.

1 Comment

  1. Sadly my aunt Tina’s life was taken way to soon. And for what? So, this “man” could keep her. Well does he have her now? No! So senseless to have taken her away from her children. As for one of my cousins, she was the only parent alive as my uncle died when my cousin was 2 from sickness. Please don’t ever let this guy of jail.

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