Goldome is one of the largest most modern milling operations we have visited. The tunnels have been sealed but the milling operation remains wide open for the random explorer, party-er, or vandal. In fact the site has been extensively vandalized and looted yet remains a great site to explore because the bulk of the operation remains.

…massive bank of froth flotation cells…

The site begins with an ore dump and grizzly that has a long conveyor to a giant ball mill. The milled ore was then pumped to a massive bank of froth flotation cells and filters. The waste slurry was then fed to several giant cyanidation tanks, some of which remain half full. A giant control panel with mimic board remains in the mill office overlooking the entire operation.

Definitely an awesome look at a semi-modern gold mining operation. The un-gated road to the mill is in great condition and no fences or gates exist. Be warned the site contains hazardous chemicals and is listed as a Superfund site.


  1. Extensively vandalized in late 2017 by ‘street artists’ using heavy equipment as part of a ‘protest’ of some sorts.
    Been there many times and the first part of the video is faked – there never has been a locked gate.
    Wonder if was a good idea to cut holes in the cyanide tanks.

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