
Stamp Mill


The stamp mill was the big gold machine of its day. By 1850 in California all of the rivers and streams had been picked clean of placer gold. It didn’t take long for miners to follow the gold deep into the Sierra’s steep valleys to snow white quartz outcroppings. They soon realized the gold trapped within these veins could produce thousands of ounces of gold and thus began hard rock or ‘lode’ mining. Stamps mills were an efficient way to crush the rock into powder and thus free even fine particles of gold. Stamp Mill manufactures went into production all over California funded by east coast old money.

Today hundreds of these glorious machines still exist throughout California. Many stamp mills have been rescued from obscurity in the deep forest and restored in museums but many still stand in their original glory. Each slowly fading back into the earth as mother nature commands, withstanding decades of icy winters and blazing forest fires.

Get out and visit a stamp mill near you and relive California’s rich gold history.

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