There are hundreds of mines and several headframes in the gold rich hills east of Goldfield NV. Prominent are the Florence Mine, the Little Florence Mine, The Laguna Mine, The Grizzly Mine and the Merger Mine. Only the Florence is named on USGS Topo. I haven’t been able to find a map of the Goldfield mines, if you have one please comment below. It appears only open pit mines remain operating in the area and the hard rock mines and mills you see spattered around the hillsides are privately owned.
Thanks Jon!
After the owner Jon Aurich posted on our site asking readers to respect private property a couple things happened. First, he was contacted by a TV producer and ended up on the series Strange Inheritance. Jon told me he thought they did a decent job portraying the fascinating history of the Florence. Secondly Jon and I developed a friendship after discovering our common love of mining and history. Jon has invited us out for a tour and we would love to do a feature on the Florence soon. Thanks Jon!
I am the owner of the Florence. I stumbled upon your site tonight. I like your pictures but would have to caution you that this is private property and the property is posted, there are a lot of dangers around this property and would like the posted signs to be honored.
Jon – if you get a reply to this please get in contact with me. I’d love to chat about the mine. My email is tnour@hoff.tv
Jon. Please be reminded that you only own half of this property. My family owns the rest.
Terri Stewart
Terry, I am aware, but I am liable for the property, 1% or 100%, meaning, I don’t want anyone that has not contacted me to be on the property, I solely take care of the property and have been doing so since 1996.
Mr. Bergmann, I’m waiting for your visit to the Florence Mine. Back in May of 2018, E. Clampus Vitus made and installed a beautiful historic plaque at the entrance of the Florence Mine. Mark Hall Patton, the “Beard of Knowledge” on Pawn Stars fame, was instrumental in getting the plaque for the Florence Mine… The Rustler #2 Mine is fully restored and surface Mine tours are currently available.