The Chemung mine operated from 1909 to 1938. Mining both high grade and low grade ore totaling one million in production. During this time three mills were erected and torn down. In the 1950’s a lone prospector Hienie Heinemeyer worked the tunnels with no significant results.
…his ghost now scares off visitors but only on Saturday night!
Rumors abound that the Chemung Mill is haunted. The internet is filled with the same story that workers at the mine became disgruntled with the owner over wages and pushed him down a shaft and his ghost now scares off visitors but only on Saturday night.
On our visit we sensed no such disturbance in the force. It is true that the operation faced much litigation for many reasons and the owner of the nearby Liberty Pittsburgh Mine in Masonic did fall to his death. Probably how the ghost story began.
we did not feel the urge to crawl under the bat gates
This one was on our list to visit for some time. Sadly its easy roadside access has left her stripped of all mining equipment and only the mills outer shell barely remains. There are several adits near the mill which have been sealed with bat gates but obviously bypassed. The tunnels are only a few feet high high so we did not feel the urge to crawl under the bat gates to wander the tunnels.
If you know more, please post below!